We are very lucky to have such great friends/family/fans, who have lent us their vote of confidence by pre-ordering our second record, and helped us to raise the $3000 we need to finish the album. Thank all of you so much for your generosity and we will see you at the album launch December 16th at Jive. I have messaged all of you with details of how to receive your rewards, and how to vote for our album's title (closes October 10th). If you have not received a message from us, or there are any complications with your downloads etc. please be in touch with us at thehoneypies@gmail.com
Here's some behind the scenes stuff from the album from our good friend Jack Sheridan. We can't wait to finish this thing and let y'all hear it.
BEHIND THE HONEY PIES from Jack Sheridan on Vimeo.
WITH THE HONEY PIES from Jack Sheridan on Vimeo.